Activity Stream
Merit Admin updated the dataset Training and workshops conducted within the framework of the MERIT - FWRNCC Participatory gender audit over 4 years ago
Merit Admin updated the resource Жендэрийн тэгш байдал, жендэрийн тэгш байдлын үзэл баримтлалыг байгууллагын бодлого, төлөвлөлт, үйл ажиллагаа, хяналт-шинжилгээ үнэлгээнд тусгах тухай удиртгал in the dataset Training and workshops conducted within the framework of the MERIT - FWRNCC Participatory gender audit over 4 years ago
Merit Admin updated the dataset Training and workshops conducted within the framework of the MERIT - FWRNCC Participatory gender audit over 5 years ago
Merit Admin updated the dataset Training and Workshop Conducted within the Framework of the MERIT - FWRNCC Participatory Gender Audit over 5 years ago
Merit Admin updated the resource Төслийн хэрэгжилтэд жендэрийн тэгш байдлын үзэл баримтлалыг тусгах нь in the dataset Training and Workshop Conducted within the Framework of the MERIT - FWRNCC Participatory Gender Audit over 5 years ago
Merit Admin updated the dataset Training and Workshop Conducted within the Framework of the MERIT - FWRNCC Participatory Gender Audit over 5 years ago
Merit Admin updated the dataset Training and Workshop Conducted within the Framework of the MERIT - FWRNCC Participatory Gender Audit over 5 years ago
Merit Admin updated the dataset Training and Workshop Conducted within the Framework of the MERIT - FWRNCC Participatory Gender Audit over 5 years ago
Merit Admin added the resource Introduction to Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming to the dataset Training and Workshop Conducted within the Framework of the MERIT - FWRNCC Participatory Gender Audit over 5 years ago
Merit Admin created the dataset Training and Workshop Conducted within the Framework of the MERIT - FWRNCC Participatory Gender Audit over 5 years ago